Thank you for supporting your daughter’s participation in this life-changing sport!
New to wrestling?
We realize that entering the wrestling world may feel unfamiliar and you may even wonder if it’s common for girls to wrestle. The truth is, girls wrestling is one of the fastest growing high school sports in the country. Pennsylvania has experienced over a 200% increase of girls on high school teams in the past several years. All 12 PIAA district areas have girls participating in wrestling within their area schools and girls wrestling is an official PIAA sport. In fact, there are over 100 girls high school wrestling teams in Pennsylvania. By joining wrestling, your daughter will be joining the largest movement in sports in the country.
How can wrestling help my daughter?
Open up doors to college opportunities and scholarships. There are currently over 115 colleges that have women’s wrestling with 10 of them being in the state of Pennsylvania. Women’s wrestling is active at the DI, II, and III levels – schools need wrestlers! Even first year wrestlers can be eligible for scholarships!
Instill a positive body image and help her feel strong and healthy
Help her become a leader
Increase her knowledge of self-defense
Build LIFELONG friendships and join a tight-knit community that is like a second family
More and more opportunities exist for girls to wrestle girls – they do not have to wrestle boys
Enhance her individuality. There is no “type” of girl that wrestles – female wrestlers come from all sorts of different backgrounds and they can maintain that individuality in the sport. For example, it’s okay to be an athlete from another sport, new to all sports, interested in the arts, or ultra-feminine and wrestle!

What are my next steps if my child is thinking of trying wrestling?
Contact your school’s wrestling program to sign-up for the team!
Looking for a local club to wrestle at? Check out the list of PA clubs or reach out to Pennsylvania Women’s Wrestling on Facebook and they will help connect you! You can also find out about introductory practices, clinics, and events on their page.
To further help introduce you to the sport, we encourage you to:
“Like” Pennsylvania Women’s Wrestling on Facebook to stay up to date with the SanctionPA initiative as well as to hear about events, clinics, college opportunities, and to stay connected to other wrestlers
Why support girls wrestling?
Girls wrestling is the fastest growing sport in the country. Girls from all areas of the US have been reaping the vast benefits of this sport for years. Why is having my daughter’s school form an official girls' team so important?
Increases competition opportunities – formed teams can participate in more girls-only competitions, including duals and tournaments
May provide your daughter more attention in the room
Decreases safety and liability concerns in a combat sport
Provides girls with the same character-building opportunities that boys have
Helps our PA girls take advantage of post-secondary opportunities
There are over 115 varsity college women’s programs in the US. More than 10 of them are located in Pennsylvania!
There are a huge number of scholarship opportunities in wrestling right now
Women’s wrestling was given NCAA Emerging Sport Status for Division I, II, and III
Wrestling ranks #2 across all college sports for producing first-generation college students
Closes the gap between youth opportunities and the current college/senior level – we need to help provide an opportunity for our girls at all age levels
Girls are more likely to drop out of wrestling as they get older and don’t have opportunities to compete against other girls – sanctioning helps keep them in our sport
Increases number of girls participating in wrestling. If the school wants to see numbers increase, the best way to do that is by forming a team! Girls are more likely to wrestle when there is a girls' team for them to join.
Increases sustainability of boys wrestling programs
We care about this entire sport, including boys wrestling! Research has shown that boys wrestling growth has accelerated as the number of girls teams grew
Between 2007 and 2020, NONE of the institutions that dropped men’s wrestling on the collegiate level had women’s wrestling
Increases winter sport options, moves school closer to Title IX compliance
Girls have 6000 less participation opportunities than boys during the winter months
Adding wrestling increases winter sport options for girls by 25%
Wrestling is highly cost-effective for schools to add compared to other sports
Can have the same coaches, can practice in the same space, can use same transportation, etc.

How can I help get girls wrestling approved at my school?
To form an official team, a school needs their School Board/ district administration to approve the team. There is NO minimum number of girls required to start a team!
Contact your school
Become an advocate of a girls wrestling program at your local school district by facilitating meetings with key stakeholders, including the athletic director, coaches, administrators, and school board members. Express your hope for a girls' team to the coach and AD. Ask how you can work together and support their efforts.
Highlight the numerous benefits of adding a girls' team. There are a LOT of reasons why adding a girls' team is beneficial to both the girls as well as the school. See some of our reasons above as well as in our Informational Packet. For Title IX specific information, see our Title IX page.
Use information in the Informational Packet when advocating and feel free to pass the information on to the various stakeholders you talk to! *The Packet has been shared with all ADs and Head Wrestling Coaches in the state, but you’re also welcome to pass it on to your school to ensure they received it or to use it as a conversation starter.
Feel free to utilize our Template Parent Email to School when reaching out to your school.
If concerns are expressed by the school, respond to specific concerns with facts.
You are welcome to contact SanctionPA at at any time and we can help work with you and your school, provide them with resources, and answer any questions they have.
If your daughter attends a Catholic School, remember that the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference supports the formation of girls' teams. Here is their statement on girls wrestling, which you can read and also share with administration.
Work with the local groups within your community to advocate and actively recruit girls
If you have fundraising or sponsorship ideas, share them with the school! Schools always have to consider budgets when starting a new program and they will love to hear about potential revenue sources!
Work with your Booster Club
COACH! Many programs are looking to bring in an assistant or volunteer coach, with some programs specifically looking to bring in a female. No matter what your wrestling background is, consider offering to help out. Even if you are not comfortable showing technique, there are many other roles in coaching and you offering to assist can be a big key to starting a program
“Like” Pennsylvania Women’s Wrestling on Facebook to stay up to date with the SanctionPA initiative as well as to hear about events, clinics, college opportunities, and to stay connected to other wrestling families
Support your daughter in finding her voice and advocating for herself. Check out our Wrestler page and, if she is interested, you can help support her in writing a letter to the school about adding a girls team (Template Wrestler Email to School).
Resources for Parents
If you’re a coach, AD, school administrator, or other stakeholder looking to learn more, our Informational Packet is a very detailed document that includes data on girls wrestling, benefits of adding programs and how they relate to existing boys teams, recruiting ideas, coaching resources, an outline of the sanctioning process, information on how to start a girls team, as well as an FAQ that we worked closely on with the PIAA that covers the most common questions from coaches, ADs, school administrators, and others!
For parents wanting to reach out to their child’s school about starting a girls team, you are welcome to use our Template Parent Email to help you.
Please feel free to get in touch with us at any time if you have questions or if we can help work with you and your school.