Sanctioning FAQ
Our sanctioning FAQ provides information on girls wrestling under PIAA jurisdiction. Information is relevant for schools with and without girls teams. Pertinent information is covered including when PIAA jurisdiction begins, how to adhere to PIAA rules, eligibility for the post-season, how in-season competitions will be different under PIAA rules, Cooperative Sponsorship Agreements, JH girls wrestling, and many others.

Informational Packets
If you’re a coach, AD, school administrator, or other stakeholder looking to learn more, our Informational Packet is a very detailed document that includes data on girls wrestling, benefits of adding programs and how they relate to existing boys teams, recruiting ideas, coaching resources, an outline of the sanctioning process, information on how to start a girls team, as well as an FAQ that we worked closely on with the PIAA that covers the most common questions from coaches, ADs, school administrators, and others!
If your school has recently formed a girls team, this Informational Packet will walk you through the steps of what is next and provide ideas and guidance on how to get the new team up and running.
We have created templates for schools to use as they are preparing to submit a proposal to their district administration or School Board to add a girls wrestling team. You will also see actual proposals that were used to add girls wrestling in PA schools. Please feel free to utilize these at your own school.
If authority to approve a new team is granted to administration at your school, then we recommend using the template above to indicate a team has formed.
For wrestlers wanting to reach out to their school about starting a girls team, you are welcome to use our Template Wrestler Email to help you.
For parents wanting to reach out to their child’s school about starting a girls team, you are welcome to use our Template Parent Email to help you.
Coaching and Recruiting
This outlines recruiting ideas, strategies, and tips that coaches, schools, and others can implement. Many of these strategies can also be applied to boys as well.
This includes flyers targeted at potential wrestlers as well as parents. General flyers are included as well as flyers specific to Try It events, Bring Your Sister to Practice events, and Bring Your Friend to Practice events.
This is a sample practice plan specifically designed for new wrestlers that you can implement at a pre/post-season practice, Try-It event, or introductory practice. If you would like highly detailed practice plans that include time markers and a partial coach script, email
#4GirlsWrestling is a state-wide initiative in Pennsylvania that aims to increase female engagement and participation by having every school get at least 4 girls wrestling on their team. This document describes the initiative as well as ways to get 4 girls wrestling at your school.
School Recruiting Videos
Sharing a video about girls wrestling with potential wrestlers is a great roster-building strategy. Feel free to use the video below as you work to grow your program. You can also use the corresponding QR code and put it on a flyer!
While there are more similarities than differences when coaching boys and girls, we realize that many coaches that have not coached girls before may have questions or even hesitations. This document includes tips from coaches that were once in your shoes.
While there are more similarities than differences when coaching boys and girls, we realize that many coaches that have not coached girls before may have questions or even hesitations. This document includes tips from coaches that were once in your shoes.
Wrestling clubs play an important role in including girls in our sport. This document describes why clubs should care about girls wrestling and what they can do to be more welcoming to girls and grow the number of girls at their club.

Wrestler Interviews
Some girls have recorded videos about what wrestling means to them, why they want a girls team at their school, and what sanctioning means to them. Check out some of the videos girls from PA have made – they are this sport’s best spokespeople!